Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cheap Summer Shoes -or- How to make people "flip" over your shoes rather than being a "flop"

They are cheap, easy and everyone has them. Flip flops are basically a board strapped onto your foot, so as a quick summer shoe they are about as easy, cheap and open to the warm air as anything out there. Way too many people buy a bright color pair that sits by the register at the store they are shopping at and end up wearing them everywhere and for so long that they are barely held together and have changed from hot pink to dingy brown.

The enemy, look how it's evil and shifty eyed.

So, here are a few simple rules so that will keep the feet, eyes and wallet happy:

1) Color

This is easy, if your buying those cheap foam flip flops you have a wide choice of colors; take advantage of it. Buy 2 or 3 different colors so you can match more outfits. Avoid dingy browns, brownish greens and any other colors that will make them look like they are dirty (if you like that dingy color, don't worry, soon enough the bright color will fade to that). Finally be careful of colors like hot pink, if not worn the right way they can make those cheap shoes look cheap and like they are better fit for a 6 year old.

Same price and brand as the pink flip flop, but a much better look. Only a few dollars more, these look much more expensive AND will last you much better.

2) Sole

Here we are talking about foot health and comfort. Flat, cardboard like soles will be like walking bare foot. This is fine as long as you don't wear them all the time and are never walking long distances or doing lots of activity. Foam soles, which you see a lot, are not good for you feet. They cause the arches to curl with each step which is not healthy and will cause pains and problems as time goes on. If you spend the extra 5 dollars or look just a little harder you can find a pair that is still has that nice flexible sole but also has some shape to it to give you the arch support you need. Your feet will thank you (Or rather, won't get angry with you and cause you pains). Later I'll do a whole article on foot health.

No support and no cushioning means these will be KILLING your feet
Same price, almost the same look (maybe even better looking? (GASP!!! A shoe that costs the same as a cheap shoe and looks better? This can not be!)) AND much better support

Here we have more of a classic flip flop but the gold adds a nice bit of bling and that little bit of shape to the sole makes it a better shoe for you.

A quick note: thick foam flip flops not only are bad for your feet, but in the same way platform shoes don't look good, these look like you strapped two concrete blocks to your feet.


3) Design

Variations in color, some accents on the straps, or interesting materials / strap shapes will make a pair of thongs not look like a $5 pair you put on because society demands we must wear shoes, but a $20 pair that is a fashion statement ... but still only cost a bit more than $5. It will be the same wearing experience, but you will look great.

Around $5 like other foam thongs but with a bit more jazz. It also comes in some fun colors.

4) Price

We have covered this in parts one through three but here is the basic rule: if you pay for a $5 pair of mono-color foam shoes you are getting something that looks eh and will last for a year. If you pay $10 and get a shoe that will last 2 or 3 years, or pay even more and get one that will last you will not only save money over time, but will look fabulous. Price doesn't mean quality, so focus on the quality and be willing to give a few extra dollars.
$40 and though it will last longer and have a better sole shape, you aren't getting a $40 look.
Same price, same build, same store as the shoe above, but looks oh so classy.

All shoes shown are available at Old Navy, Payless, Piperlime and Asos


Kori said...

I vote get a pair of gladiator sandals (or 2, or 3) and wear them with pride!

Anonymous said...

Interesting post.. Well, I like to wear cool designed flip flops I summer.